My World

Welcome to my world, a place where books are piled everywhere, the dining room doubles as a classroom, and plants take over every flat surface in the winter! Science experiments can be found in the kitchen. It's a cozy place in my opinion, I think I'll keep it this way!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Confessions of a new blogger

Ok, here goes - my very first blog. I feel so modern! And scared. What if no one reads my blog? what if someone does?? I've been known to act like an idiot in public, but this is WAY public... Hm, maybe I should have called this 'The Neurotic Kansan'...

Oh yes, my confessions...

Confession #1 I'm not a native Kansan. BUT in my defense, I have lived in this state over half my life, and since before that I was a missionary kid without a real home, I will claim Kansas and be proud of it.

Confession #2 Sometimes my family thinks I'm a wee bit insane. Like last year when a garden spider came to live in my garden (good place for a garden spider) and I spent the summer taking pictures of her life cycle. She made two gigantic egg sacs and I kept them in a jar to see if they would hatch--NO, not inside like my husband assumed when I told him this spring that hundreds of babies had hatched. Did I mention the spider's name? Webster. What a great name. I'd like to take credit for it, but that actually goes to my daughter Sarah. She's much more creative at names than I am. For example, she has a fat stuffed frog and a skinny stuffed frog and she named them Fattio and Skinnyet. Hm, maybe I'm not the insane one here...If I ever figure out how to post pictures, I'll put some of Webster on here. I know, you'll be sure to look for them.

Confession #3 I have a wild imagination. And a slight tendency to exaggerate. With my wild imagination I should be creative, but there seems to be a short circuit between my brain and my hands, so things get lost along the way. That's why my scrapbooking looks like something a two year old might do.

Confession #4 I love quirky things, in fact, the quirkier the better. Fortunately, Kansas is full of quirkiness. Unfortunately, my family doesn't share this love of mine. They prefer to drive past signs that tell you some famous person once broke a nail at this spot. Where's the fun in that?

Confession #5 I think I've run out of least for today.


  1. JA seems to have the same desire as you to know what every "special" marker has to say about what happened in this spot in Kansas. Of course, I understand that as much as I understand having a giant ball of sissle twine for town pride :) I'm looking forward to reading your blog. By the way, if you need any help learning how to do things in blogspot let me know.

  2. Take you friend's advice and learn how to post pics!! I seriously want to see Webster's life cycle! I find you facinating and exilerating! Rachel is reading along with me, making me wait to scroll till she's caught up with me! I cannot imagine a better way for you to use your awesome, God-given writing talent than to blog. Leave nothing out!! You should make your teens look for their imaginations at the bottom of any pond in need of cleaning!! I bet they would find their imaginations in a basket of weeds too! Jus
