My World

Welcome to my world, a place where books are piled everywhere, the dining room doubles as a classroom, and plants take over every flat surface in the winter! Science experiments can be found in the kitchen. It's a cozy place in my opinion, I think I'll keep it this way!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Touching Base with God

I had a revelation this evening. It came to me as I sat staring at the phone, waiting for Oldest Daughter to call. I planned to call her earlier this evening, but then she told me, via IM, that The Boyfriend had called and she would call later. So I sat here and waited. And waited. And continued to wait. It is now bedtime and I am still waiting.

Which led to my revelation. So many times I get busy and forget to touch base with God. I plan to, I really do, but then something comes up, something draws my attention away, sometimes seems really important and has to be done just then. And God waits. And waits. And continues to wait. Because He's my Father and He loves me and wants to hear from me.

So, I guess I'm thankful for this waiting period because it has opened my eyes. I'm so thankful God doesn't give up on me. But I'm giving up on my daughter. For now. I'm going to bed!

Wait, she is calling... !!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it wonderful how He shows us things like this so that we can see how He feels? Thank you for sharing. Definitely need to remember this myself.
