My World

Welcome to my world, a place where books are piled everywhere, the dining room doubles as a classroom, and plants take over every flat surface in the winter! Science experiments can be found in the kitchen. It's a cozy place in my opinion, I think I'll keep it this way!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Goodbye, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu

Most nights I wander around the house wondering how other people (namely my husband) can simply lie down (or is it lay down? Hm, should I really be homeschooling if I can't remember the difference? Then again, it is midnight) and fall asleep. It is a mystery to me. I am an insomniac. So I either drive myself crazy trying to fall asleep or I wander around. And if I'm going to wander around, I might as well be productive. My family probably wouldn't appreciate me vacuuming at midnight, so I will blog instead. This is me, blogging...and rambling...and wishing I was asleep...

We had a farewell party for my oldest baby tonight. She is heading off to college this week. It blows my mind that we have arrived at this point so soon. Wasn't it just yesterday that she was born, a big 10 1/2 pound baby, purple in the face? Wasn't it just yesterday she had to have her stuffed Barney in order to sleep? Wasn't it just yesterday she was heading off to preschool, heading off to camp, heading off to her first job? Wow. I am amazed when I look at her. I never imagined when she was little that this day would come so soon. But I also never imagined that she would grow up so beautiful, so confident, so hard-working, such a wonderful blessing almost every day of her life (you notice I said ALMOST--she's had her moments haha). She heads off to college with a poise that is still lacking in my own life. What can I say...I am proud as punch of her, of all my kids. I'm so thankful to God for them, but most of the time the words don't come to tell them so. Unless it's midnight...

This week marks a new chapter in our lives, a new beginning. We will load up her mountain of stuff, haul it all to college for her (taking a little vacation along the way), kiss her goodbye...and more than likely cry most of the way home. But this is the way it should be. You love them, you train them, you give them to God, you send them out the door. But you always leave that door open a smidge so they can visit when they feel the need.

I love you my oldest baby! I will miss you every day. I'm ever so proud to be your Mom :) Fare thee well my child!

Ok, time to go try and sleep again!


  1. Couldn't have said it better myself. No one ever warned me that THIS was the hardest stage of being a parent. Perhaps that is good, or we might have changed our minds. LOL

    Hang in there, girl!
