My World

Welcome to my world, a place where books are piled everywhere, the dining room doubles as a classroom, and plants take over every flat surface in the winter! Science experiments can be found in the kitchen. It's a cozy place in my opinion, I think I'll keep it this way!

Monday, August 23, 2010

How should I behave?

Two blogs in one day...I must be bored...

Actually the reason for this blog is because I'm confused. I'm now the mother of a college freshman. I've never been that before. I've been the daughter of one, the sister of one, the aunt of one, the...well, you get the picture! So my question is - how am I supposed to behave? What is considered acceptable? I know what I'm NOT supposed to do - things like showing up on her campus wearing Minnie Mouse ears and yelling "MY BABY, MY BABY." But what CAN I do? Will I be annoying Oldest Daughter if I call her? Should I just text her once a month? Should I only contact her if she receives a letter that she won the sweepstakes? Is it ok to ask her how her day went or if she is getting any sleep? I want to let her grow up, I want to give her freedom (ok, I'm just lying on both those, but I'M TRYING so that should count for something, right?). I want her to know I miss her. But I don't want to smother her (you notice the word mother is in smother...). Sigh. The things parenting books don't tell you!


  1. I'm an old friend of Billy's, that's how I got here, but I also am the first time mother of a freshman. Second day of school. However, he lives at home. Opens a whole new world of questions. Curfew? Where are you going? Who with? My thought is as long as I'm feeding him, doing laundry and giving him any money at all, I have a right to know. Should cover your daughter too. I say SMOTHER!!!!

  2. Haha, thanks! I'm thinking mothers all over the world are asking themselves these questions :)

  3. Oh hon....I can so feel your pain right now. With Sara moving to Texas tomorrow...I find myself asking the same questions you mentioned. How often is TOO often to call or text her? So, when you find out the answer, will you let me know? I, too, am new to this and have NO clue what to do now.

    By the way, now I have to figure out what I want to be when I grow up...because now I have to grow up. I only know how to be a mom. Now what?

    Lol Love you!!!
